On Sunday (the 21st) Mum, Rosa and I went to Paddy Pallin in the city to find walking boots. When we found the 'shoes' section a lovely lady calle Mel asked if we wanted assistance, of course we said yes because I'm not sure about you but we had absolutely NO idea what sort of boots to chose. Mel picked a few opitions which she thought would be good for our walk and got them out of the storage cupboard. The boots I tried on were really comfy and fitted me perfectly but then i realized that we are still not walking for a few months and my feet have been growing and growing so i may as well get a bigger size. I was amazed to find out that my feet were the same size as mum's! And the bigger size boot was just as comfy but would probably last a bit longer. Mum went through option after option and she was going to leave the shop without buying anything but then me and Mel persuaded her to buy a pair of boots much like mine, but slightly different... Everyday after school, i've been taking of my uniform, putting on my trakkies and a comfy shirt and putting on my boots (which i can tell you are HEAPS more comfy than school shoes. I reckon the walk is going to be heaps fun but i'm going to miss my friends a LOT!!!!!! Thanks so much for all you contributors (or what ever the word is) I must admit that it's pretty cool that we already have so much money going to MS research and we've only had our everyday hero page up for 5 days!!!!! Anyway it's special to me that we raise as much money as we can because as most of you know, my dad has MS... So thanks again everyone.. XOX Luna ;-)