Near Rabanal del Camino, 244 km to go.
Photo by Fritz Jr
A pilgrim returns with something from the way; Luna wore her silver shell, Rosa carried the wooden stick carved for her by a wizened old man in a faraway village, and I brought a miniature copy of the silver incense burner from Santiago as well as our shells and Compostelas. Together, a mother and her two daughters, we returned with a bond that we didn't have before we left home, a bond forged in our muscles and in our bones with the act of walking. We had a renewed sense of our own family, different but grounded in our experience away from home... the girls reconnected with their Galician roots. Starting off on our own, we ended up with our our Camino family, and that gave the girls the understanding that it is possible to go out into the world and find kindred spirits, to find their tribe. In many ways, the cliche holds true, pilgrimage is like a microcosm of life.
We raised $6,000 for MS Research Australia and gratefully acknowledge those who contributed : family, friends and others.