Monday, May 3, 2010

Risque de Neige

The day that has involved so much preparation has arrived...we leave St Jean Pied de Port (175 metres)this morning for Orisson where we will stay in a refuge and then continue the next day over the Cize pass - the opening between France and Spain which has been used for millennia by travellors including the Romans, Visigoths, Charlemagne's armies, and millions of pilgrims in the middle ages - to Roncesvalles (1430 metes). Today, we're taking the path called the Route de Napoleon because he took his troops through it one cold and wintry day. It is the harder of the two paths across the border but of cours the more beautiful one. If the weather is really bad tomorrow, we'll have to change plans:

I just checked the French 'Meteo': Col de Lepoeder avant Roncesvalles ; 'Risque de Neiges a Certain Epoques' in a bright yellow bar; = Risk of Snow at certain Stages. Snow in itself is fnot the problem if we had the gear for serious snow and ... but the path iself and especially the descent become more dangerous.

I don't know whether i've done the internal preparation,seem to be finding other things that need doing. Guess i will only know once we start walking. I haven't answered the question; why am i doing this ? but I did have a glimpse
last night over diner with the girls. Will wrte later when I dot ha to use a klutsy Frenchkeybord which misses randm letters becase it can't keep upwith my speedy typing.

It,s 10.02 am. I'm going to wake the girls and get them ready for an 11 am departure via the Post Office where we send 2 boxes/ one to Pamplona and one to Santago. The hardest item to part with ? our blue jeans!

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